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NMC label ' fake news' no new medical college

NMC label ' fake news' no new medical college and no new seats 2024-25

On April 11, NMC release a post about misleading and baseless news circulating by print/electronic media about opening of new medical colleges and addition of more seats for UG/PG program for the academic year 2024-25.

NMC has been issuing public notice from time to time on the official website of NMC, which is authentic and any stake holder/general public can rely on.

The Medical Assessment & Rating Board(MARB),NMC has not given approval for the opening of new medical colleges or any increase in seats in UG/PG course for the academic year 2024-25.

NMC stated that they have received 112 application for opening of new medical college out of which there were 58 application was for addition of new seats for UG/PG program for the academic year 2024-25,and application letter are still in process, whenever a decision is taken NMC will release a notification on its official website.

NMC has requested all the aspiring medicos and stake holder to only trust the news from the official website of NMC.